The story of the film revolves around the B phase block of Sunshine colony. Srinu (Abhijith) and his sisters Sathya(Rashmi) and Chinni are sent to stay with their maternal grandparents and uncle by their mother (Amala), who has to go away for an extended period of time. They soon become thick friends with Abhi (Kaushik) and Nagraj (Sudhakar) and go about their daily life, experiencing small joys.
Life Is Beautiful (2012 film)
Life Is Beautiful (2012)
The story of the film revolves around the B phase block of Sunshine colony. Srinu (Abhijith) and his sisters Sathya(Rashmi) and Chinni are sent to stay with their maternal grandparents and uncle by their mother (Amala), who has to go away for an extended period of time. They soon become thick friends with Abhi (Kaushik) and Nagraj (Sudhakar) and go about their daily life, experiencing small joys.
The story of the film revolves around the B phase block of Sunshine colony. Srinu (Abhijith) and his sisters Sathya(Rashmi) and Chinni are sent to stay with their maternal grandparents and uncle by their mother (Amala), who has to go away for an extended period of time. They soon become thick friends with Abhi (Kaushik) and Nagraj (Sudhakar) and go about their daily life, experiencing small joys.